
ahimsa & going vegan

I've been vegetarian for several years, and it originated out of health. I also didn't like the taste of meat all that much. Over time, though, the idea of vegetarianism has strongly become one of love and compassion. I cannot imagine my own companions, Kinsey and Jack, being kept in a cage, milked (they're boys, but you get the drift...) or eaten. When I interact with other animals, I feel the same compassion for them. In the past year, the information that I've had my hands on regarding compassion and health in regards to veganism has substantially grown. The facts are quite atrocious, and while I won't list them here, there are numerous books (Skinny Bitch is the pop culture version, The China Study is a bit more scientific) and websites on the topic.

I've been reading the book Return to Love, and contemplating what love in my own life means. This has led to much, including deep thought, prayer, and general ponderings. But it has also made me revisit my own vegetarianism. What does it mean to love? What does it mean to do no harm? What makes me, a human, better than any of the other miracles that exist in this world? If you've ever had regular interactions with any animal, their personality shines through -- they feel, they think.

On top of that, though, I've really become intrigued with the concept of ahimsa, or "do no harm." Do our dairy practices do no harm? Do our egg practices do no harm? I imagine if I was that cow or chicken, I would think otherwise. Besides, what about "do no harm" to our earth? One of the most sacred miracles, this crazy place where everything is intertwined, every living being is dependent on another, where things half-way around the globe can affect your life right here right now.

Do no harm to others, because when you do -- you do harm to yourself. And I don't want to live like that. So today I gave up my milk, gave up my eggs, and am going to slowly start giving up my animal product clothing/shoes/make-up/etc. I want to live a life of no harm, a life of love, and this is just one more step to that place.

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