
maybe we've been living with our eyes half-open...

I lost touch with something that is innately me, in the past few months, and part of this blogging process has been trying to reconnect with that. One thing that I've been meaning to do, but haven't, was create a visualization map for 2009. I read about it on one of my raw blogs that I read -- when I remember which, I will certainly give credit -- around the time of the New Year. It was someone's alternative to New Year's Resolutions. Since I know of no one that keeps their New Year's Resolution, I'm always interested in alternatives. I love the idea of starting fresh, but I love it when it means more than a resolution that gets tossed away.

So what this one blogger does every new year (agh, I wish I could remember who!) was to get a posterboard and just map out where they want to be, who they want to be, everything that they want to visualize as part of their life in the upcoming year. I've been feeling kind of bummed the past few days, so I thought it was the perfect time. I put on music that inspires me, lit some candles, and got going.

I found the process to be a lot of fun. Of course, drawing and writing in many different colored markers always helps with that. The final product is now hanging on my wall; I should take a picture at some point. Mine is full of adjectives. The funny thing is that when I describe the person I want to be, I know that I already am or can be that person, at least when I'm connected with myself and am true to myself. Having it on my wall reminds me of all the thing I am and all the things I can be. I thought about laminating it, but I like that it's just paper hanging on my wall. Paper can be changed. I can add to it as the year goes on. I can expand. The visualization can grow as I myself grow.

I highly recommend doing it. I feel closer to myself now, and more in tune with what I want from the year. I didn't do a lot of concrete things on my pretty picture, but I feel like this year is really going to be about becoming more in tune with myself, more grounded, and more well-rounded... For too much of the past two years, I've been in a box of roles. A box that has been quite limiting. But that's a topic for another time.

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