
What is the sunnier life?

The start of a new year seems to be the perfect time for the start of a new blog. Last year, for a brief period, I caught a glimpse of what life can be. It slipped between my fingers, and now I'm back to life as it is.

Life as it is -- stress, dreary gray days, and a feeling of being rushed. Spaced out from moment to moment, and lacking the fullest connection even to the people that you love the most. Mindlessness in everything, from work to eating.

But there's something else, beyond that. I don't mean a religious something else, although some people find that something else through religion. There's a peace, a deeper meaning, a constant happiness. The sun seems a bit brighter, and life just seems a bit more real. The connections between people are so strong, vibrant. Vibrating. Golden. I really want that again. I want to feel it, but not briefly. Not fleetingly. I want to find out how I got there, and get it back.

The thing is that it's not something you "get," I know that. It's more like a journey, a series of realizations and small steps. But I know that there are steps that I can take to bring more vibrance to my life.

I can surround myself with people who make me feel like smiling, rather than people who bring drama and dreary. I can eat foods that make me feel alive, rather than sluggish and sick. I can practice awareness daily. I guess that I am starting this blog to document this journey. A journey towards a more healthy life, really, a life that is healthy both in physical and in more than merely physical. It sounds so metaphysical, so philosophical...

The thing is that it's easy to sit here and ramble about vibrance and health. The catch is to do it while actually living life. Dealing with the down moments, enjoying the peaks and the valleys together. Doing the day to day details, the mundane, but also chasing the dreams, the excitement. Building the life that you want every single moment.

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