
get off your ass!

It's been a week since I've written, mostly because I've been busy trying to get my life back on track. I've come to the slow realization that I think I've been in a subtle depression-ish existence for the past month. I'm not sure depression is really the word, "blues" might be more appropriate. Combine that with a wicked cold...

Anyways, I've been hitting the gym, and the endorphins are certainly awesome. As they say in Legally Blonde, "endorphins make people happy, and happy people just don't kill people!" Happy people also live the lives they want to live. I've been so active this week, more than I have in the past two months really. It feels good. It feels more than good. It's giving me back myself. It's taking the discussions about living from the page and helping me to put them into life. It brings clarity to the brain, energy into the body, and definitely a sound night's sleep!

Of course, I miss being active outside. Nothing beats a walk on the beach under the stars, or running on the track with a bunch of 12 year old students from your class... The sun, the fresh air, it really puts things into perspective. It's cold, though, and it can be hard to get off the couch when the air is 20, wind chill 15.

If you're stuck in my shoes, I recommend joining your local gym. In times like these, when money is tight, it can seem like such an unnecessary expense. But it is necessary. It is necessary that we let our bodies move. Our bodies ache to move each day, and far too many people I know come home and lay on the couch for hours. Get out! Get up! Run, bike, salsa, swim... Whatever it is, DO it. It will give you some zen, for just a few minutes a day, and all life changes can come from that.

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